An old cello from a side angle showing most of the body and part of the finger board


0% Financing Now Available Our Cello Inventory changes often, so please call for updates and prices (pictures available soon):

New"Magalie Calpena 06 Pointis-de-Riviere 2020"

"August Olshevy Violin Maker No. 7xx Anno 1977"

Daniel Foster Blacksburg, Virginia 1984 No. 85

NewVictoria McDonald Chicago 2023" decorated cello

Jean Baptiste Vuillaume a' Paris 3 rue Demours - Ternes Jay Haide El Cerrito California 2018

NewCello labeled "Martin Hoffman in Leipzig, 1688"

"Lothar Semmlinger Geigenbaumeister Baiersdorf L. Semmlinger 2018 Made in Germany" Sem 134 Sold

Cello labeled "Sanctus Seraphin Minensis Fecit 1757"

"Lothar Semmlinger Geigenbaumeister Baiersdorf Made in Germany 2018" Sem 123

"Wilhelm Klier No. 702 Copy of Antonius Stradivarius Erlangen, Germany Anno 2016"Sold

Jay Haide a l'ancienne Montagnana, Strad, Ruggeri models Chinese and European woods

Cello labeled "Bill Lucchini L.A. Anno 2001 Los Angeles String Instruments, Inc."

"Rudolf Schuster Geigenbaumeister Baiersdorf-Erlangen Bayern Anno 1992" Sold